There is nothing more desirable than the forbidden, and today we will show you forbidden places on our planet, where even the richest inhabitants of the Earth are not allowed to enter.
Bunkers, mysterious zones, entire islands and underground laboratories — all this arouses considerable interest and is surrounded by a lot of different exciting stories.
Snake Island
Located in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, Snake Island is very close to the shores of Brazil. This is the only place where one of the most poisonous
The snake of our planet is the island botporse. To save their population, the island was closed forever. However, when imposing the ban, the authorities thought not only about the endangered species, but also about people, because visiting this place can be fraught with serious consequences — there is at least one snake per square meter.
World Seed Vault
A huge bunker located in Norway. Its depth reaches 140 meters, and the security equipment is simply impressive. And for good reason, because about
one hundred thousand million seeds of various crops. The storage facility was created in case of some serious disasters that would be global in nature. Each country
has its own compartment.
Qin Haun Tomb
Discovered back in 1974, the tomb of Emperor Qin Huang has never been opened. There were many activists who opposed its opening, citing
that during excavations, things invaluable to science and history may be destroyed or damaged.
Surtsein Island
It is located near Iceland and was formed due to the eruptions of several underwater volcanoes. It has existed since 1963 and has an area of no more than 3 square kilometers. Its occurrence aroused considerable interest among scientists from all over the world. Surtsey Island is a clear model of how life arose on our planet, and in order not to interfere with this process, entry is closed to outsiders.
Area 51
До 2013 года правительство США старательно отрицало любые факты и слухи о некой зоне 51, утверждая, что ничего подобного в их стране нет. Сейчас же, это
наиболее закрытая и таинственная военная база на планете. Находится она в 135 км от Лас-Вегаса и является идеальным местом для проведения испытаний, как
нового оружия, так и новых военных разработок. По неподтвержденной информации, зона была образована на месте крушения космического корабля инопланетного происхождения и из-за этого, ее так старательно пытались скрыть от всего мира.
Сентинельский остров
It is located off the coast of India and is closed due to the aborigines living on it. They have not yet been touched by civilization, so the Indian government
decided not to interfere in the life of the tribe. But even when there was a powerful tsunami that covered the island and helicopters were sent from the mainland to provide assistance,
the natives showered them with a hail of arrows, which only confirmed their position not to interfere in their lives in the future.
Lascaux Cave
A unique natural phenomenon located in France. On the walls of the cave there are unusual and unique drawings that are more than 17 thousand years old. For a long time, the Lascaux cave was an excellent place for excursions, but soon the images began to disappear. It was possible to establish that the reason for this
is carbon dioxide exhaled by humans, so the cave was closed from visits.
Morgan Island
There is a rather dangerous place off the coast of South Carolina and it is Morgan Island. It is home to about 5 thousand monkeys of the same species. They got here through the efforts of people from Puerto Rico, and if initially some were infected with herpes, now every primate is a carrier of the disease. Appear on the island to people
It is strictly prohibited, because it can cause subsequent diseases.
Vatican Secret Archive
The Pope possesses an incalculable amount of literature, which is included in his private archive located within the walls of the Vatican. The length of the racks alone is 90 kilometers. According to information, which, unfortunately, cannot be confirmed, about half of the books and materials are collections of the occult
literature from all over the world.
Niihau Island
Since 1864, the island has come into the possession of the Robinson family, which does not allow anyone to live with them. There is no Internet, no mobile communications, no
roads, no cars, no shops. Electricity is generated by solar panels. Relatives who left the island can return to it only by